
Important Dates

  • Submission Deadline: February 16th, 2020
  • Acceptance Notification: April 1st, 2020

Submission Site

Authors should submit full papers electronically in PDF format at

Please use the following command if you are using the AAMAS format:

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\acmConference[GAIW'20]{Appears at the 2nd Games, Agents, and Incentives Workshop (GAIW 2020). Held as part of the Workshops at the 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems.}{May 2020}{Auckland, New Zealand}  % do not change this line!
\acmYear{2020}  % do not change this line!
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Submission Details

Formatting Guidelines: Please format papers according to the AAMAS 2020 format (author kit). Optionally, one may submit in LNCS format as well (LaTeX template).

Paper Length: Papers can be at most 8 pages long in AAMAS format, or 12 pages long in LNCS format. Additional pages for may be used for references.
Supplemental material can be appended at the end of the paper. However, reviewers are instructed to make their evaluations based on the main submission, and are not obligated to consult the supplemental material.

Multiple Submission: To widen participation and encourage discussion, there will be no formal publication of workshop proceedings. We will, however, post the accepted papers online to the benefit of the participants to the workshop. Therefore, submission of preliminary work and papers to be submitted or in preparation for submission to other major venues in the field are encouraged.

Past Submissions: In order to strike a balance between new work and work that may have been presented but not widely seen we ask that if authors want to submit published work they do so non-anonymously and clearly indicate when and where the work was published. We will only accept work which has been published in the last calendar year (e.g., IJCAI 2019, NeurIPS 2019, AAAI 2020, and any conference held after Feb. 2020).